The Quantified What?
Why I joined the Quantified Diet
1 min readJan 3, 2014
Simply put, I joined the Quantified Diet because I try to quantify EVERYTHING else, so why not my diet.
Let me try to quant, or count, the ways…
- Sleep with Withings Pulse
- Activity with Withings Pulse
- Weight on Withings Scale
- Running with RunKeeper App
- Driving Stats with Automatic Link
- Driving Distance with Waze App
- Electricity Usage with Wemo Insight Switch
- etc. i’m sure there are more
So yeah that’s why. Oh and yeah I would like to lose at least another 15 pounds. After tracking my day 1 calories, I basically maxed out on calories by 6pm. EEESSSSHHHH! And I barely had a lunch. I try to eat healthy, but projects like this help you really see things objectively, even quantifiably.
Ok sorry i’m done with the quant-jokes.